Periodic ticket refund

Periodic ticket on the app AtB, AtB Mobillett and travel card, t:card can be refunded in case of illness, death, relocation or changed travel pattern due to work/school/kindergarten. You can also get your ticket refunded if you have bought the wrong travel distance or passenger category. 

We need account number and ID in addition to the following:

  • Illness: Sick leave documentation.
  • Death: Grant of probate.
  • Address change: Confirmation from the National Register.
  • Job: Confirmation of working conditions.

It is only in case of illness or death that we can refund the periodic ticket retroactively if it has not been used. If the period ticket has been used, we will deduct single trips. 

See what information you must state on how you bought your ticket: 

The app AtB 

  • Phone number, e-mail adress or costumer number. 
  • OrderID - Preferably a recipt showing this. 

The app AtB Mobillett 

  • Phone number. 

Travel card, t:card 

  • t:card number 
  • NB! If you have bought a ticket for your t:card in the t:card online shop, you must attach a receipt.

Contact us via the contact form or AtB service center to apply for a refund.