On board

Find out what you can bring on board the bus, tram and boat, and how much it costs.

Find out how to travel with for instance bikes and other luggage.

  • Bus and tram

    You can bring your dog free of charge.

    How to travel with a dog

    • Dogs must be kept on a leash and must not obstruct free passage.
    • It is your responsibility to ensure that the dog does not inconvenience other passengers.
    • You yourself are responsible for any harm the dog causes to others.
    • Animals are not permitted directly on seats, and must sit on the floor or on your lap during transport.


    You can bring your dog free of charge.

    Dogs and other animals must be kept in a cage and placed in a designated area shown to you by the crew. This is to avoid contact with chairs and carpets in the passenger lounge, for the benefit of those with allergies and other passengers. This is to meet the demands for universal design.

    The dog should not be in a cage if the traveler is blind/ impaired, a service dog that can be verified, or a police dog accompanied by a paying police officer in uniform.

  • It is the staff who decide whether there is room for bringing a bike on board.

    Bus and tram

    Price for bringing a bike, electric bike, large scooter, sled or similar is with a 50 % discount on single ticket.


    It is free to travel with:

    • folded bikes and electric scooters.
    • small scooters/electric scooters that can easily be taken under the arm.
    • special bikes for people with disabilities.

    You can bring a bike as long as there is room on board the bus or tram. If you travel with regional lines, it is only possible to bring a bike if the space reserved for prams is free.


    You can bring your bike free of charge on the boat.

    Please note that bikes and the like cannot be prioritized if the boat is full.

  • You can bring hand luggage on board when this does not prevent other travelers. The hand luggage must be placed so that it does not represent a safety hazard.

    You can bring skis for free on the bus, tram and boat. The staff decides if there is room. AtB accepts no liability for any damages.

    Note that you can not bring a kayak on the boats.

This can not be brought on board

  • Flammable and explosive substances
  • Motorized bikes or gear
  • Charged weapons
  • Sharp objects
  • Malignant objects
  • Other items that may cause risk or inconvenience to others

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